Drinkaware Research Briefing Series – Open Call for research proposals

Drinkaware Research Focus Blog

Are you a researcher or do you know of someone undertaking research in the health and behaviour change space?  

Drinkaware would like to invite researchers to submit their research proposals for the 2022 Drinkaware Research Briefing Series.  

We created the Drinkaware Research Briefing series in 2019 to reach out to all stakeholders to build a community of active and interested researchers in the health and behaviour change space. At Drinkaware we believe in the value of evidence-informed and evidence-based activities. Data needs to be discussed, debated, cross-analysed and shared.  Drinkaware’s Research Briefing Series is about doing just that. To date, we have hosted eight briefing sessions with keynote presentations across a wide range of disciplines including Dr David Comerford, University of Stirling; John O’Mahony, Behaviour and Attitudes; Professor Sinead McGilloway, Maynooth University; Padraig Walsh, ChangeAble Behaviour Solutions; Ben Caspersz, Claremont Comms UK; Dr Oliver Bartlett, Maynooth University and Ed Flahavan, Behaviour Insights UK.  

We are interested to hear from researchers from any discipline who wish to share their research relating to alcohol and/or behaviour change as part of the briefing series with an audience of stakeholders across various sectors of society. It is an excellent opportunity to collectively discuss issues relating to alcohol in Ireland and in so doing, contribute to sharing learnings and knowledge. The views expressed in our Research Briefing Series are those of the speakers, based on their work in research and other disciplines. We welcome presentations from new and early career researchers and/or international researchers. We envisage these briefings will all take place online or hybrid (both online and in-person, in Dublin City Centre). 

There will be four briefings during 2022, specific date and time tbc:  

  • March  
  • June  
  • September  
  • November 

If you would like to present, please email research@drinkaware.ie  with your proposal covering the following requirements:  

  • The proposal should be written clearly and be structured using the following headings: Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion 
  • Word limit: 300 words (excluding title) 
  • Ensure all authors have approved the submission 

With the presenter’s permission we will record and share each briefing recording with attendees. We will also write a post-event blog to further disseminate research findings and discussion points from the briefing with those that registered to attend. Previous outputs from our briefing series to date can be found on our website here: https://drinkaware.ie/research/research-briefing-series/  

Thank you for your interest and we look forward to reviewing your proposals. 

We are currently finalising details for our Spring 2022 Research Briefing that we envisage will take place in late March and details will be posted on our website once confirmed.  

Please do not hesitate to contact our Research and Impacts Manager, Dr Ann Stokes research@drinkaware.ie if you would like to chat further or provide you with more information on our research.