Take Care of Your Mental Health This January

Order a Free Mental Health and Alcohol Resource  Drinkaware, the national charity working to reduce and prevent the misuse of alcohol in Ireland, is offering a free mental health resource to the public. The resource is available to order online and will…

Tips for positive mental health at Christmas

The festive season can be a time of celebration for some people and a time of poor mental health for others. This can be a stressful time for many of us with much more to do than usual and if…

World Mental Health Day 2019: Alcohol and your Mental Health

With the 2019 Pfizer Health Index finding that 16% of Irish people reporting suffering from depression or anxiety related conditions, the relationship between alcohol and mental health is important to consider. This World Mental Health Day, we look at how alcohol can…

Workplace Wellness: Alcohol and Mental Health

One of the reasons some of us drink alcohol is to alter our mood or change our mental state, so it stands to reason that alcohol can affect our mental health in a range of different ways. While alcohol can…

World Mental Health Day 2018: Young People and Alcohol

Today is World Mental Health Day and the theme for this year is Young People and Mental Health in a Changing World. World Mental Health Day aims to bring attention to the issues our young adults are facing in the world today and begin the…